Balls In The Pudding

What is Balls In The Pudding?


This idiom is a combination of the proverb "the proof of the pudding is in the eating" (typically shortened to "the proof is in the pudding") and the popular misconception of the saying "balls to the wall". Its meaning is derived from the two. It is used to express putting every effort into attaining a goal. The proof of ones balls, as they say, is in the pudding. The invoking of pudding implies that one's testicular fortitudecan therefore be quantified; to go balls in the pudding, one must take quite a risk. A proper use of "balls in the pudding" only occurs when one stands to lose or gain a great deal based on a single decision.

-You're going nil on this last hand of spades? What if you fail? You're so far behind already!

-I know, but if you win this game it's over anyway. I've got to go balls in the pudding.

See balls to the wall, testicular fortitude, the proof is in the pudding, gamble


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