
What is Bam!?


A word that Emeril Lagasse says when flicking on a spice.

Bam! Now we'll let this simmer...


what Emeril says when he comes .

Emeril loudly yelled out "Bam!" , waking his neighbors, when he pulled the schnitzel out of the oven.

See skeet skeet skeet, whammy, yes, corduroy


The process of flicking someone off, then yelling bam!

Guy 1: Hey Bob!

Guy 2: ..|.' BAM!

Guy 1: Wtf why did you flick me off?

*Guy 2 gets his ass beat*

See haha, funny, bam, flick off


What you say when someone said something that could be taken sexually.

"stop tying to put that stick in my mouth"


See bam, bam!, thats, what, she, said


A word used to highlight, or show appreciation for, an awesome shutdown.

G-Unit: Ha Ha get a load of that arse (points at some fat random)

Siggy: yeah... like you can talk

Jess: bam!


Only said with an accompanying "double-guns"...both hands formed into pistol formation and rotated quickly at a target.

Arising out of gang shooting references, it is recognizing someone or singling that person out.

First person: Yo, I gots the perfect idea!

Second person: *double guns* Bam!

First person: Uh, what was that all about?

Second person: It's all good, lay it on me, my brutha.

First person: I forget now...

Second person: Word.


In Cruzan slang: an expletive said after a particularly lame joke.

" What's black and white and read all over?" "I don't know, what?" "A newspaper!" "Bam!"


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