
What is Bamboozling?


The sometimes sexual, always hilarious act of taking a dump in ones mouth, and duct taping it shut on them.

Dann: I Bamboozled this girl last night

Jon: You goof


To deceive by trickery

If you need such sophistication you are probably better off coding it yourself in the game, rather than bamboozoling the engine into providing it for you. from the Saracen 2 Game SDK manual


(v.) the act of inserting one's middle and index fingers into another's butt cheeks and then making a rapid clockwise stirring motion with said fingers, while forcefully blowing air through the lips to create a motorboat-like sound.

"Watch your butt Anthony, you're cruising for a bamboozling!"

See bamboozle, bamboozled, bamboozler, bambooseled


bamboozling- to go to someone's house and drink a lot of and spill their beer.

bamboozler- some one who goes to peoples homes and fucks up their keg.

If you spill another beer i will kick you out and label you a bamboozler.

Quit bamboozling around dood, we need to drink as much beer as we can man.

See dooshbag, moron, tool, mofo


Confusing pulling a Belgum

Belgum is bamboozling me

See Your Mom


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