
What is Ban?


v. to bar from; to restrict access to, to exile. See also: Aetherialize

The Aetherializor banned Matt today.

See Plague


A term used by Nazi moderators/admins.

You're banned. *Insert name here* Goes bye bye.


Acronym. Bitch Ass Nigga.

You got BAN (Bitch Ass Nigga) deseise.


A term mainly now used in the UK - to prohibit - usually something that is fun - the British have only one reaction to anything deemed bad - ban it

Ban smoking. Ban alcohol. Ban air. Ban greasy food. Ban obesity. Ban paedophiles. Ban binge drinking. Ban 4x4s. Ban fun. Ban this, ban that, in fact just ban everything

Ban smoking. Ban alcohol. Ban air. Ban greasy food. Ban obesity. Ban paedophiles. Ban binge drinking. Ban 4x4s. Ban fun. Ban this, ban that, in fact just ban everything

See smoking, drinking, fun, foreigners


Bitch Ass Nigger

What you gonna do, kill me in my sleep, you (BAN) Bitch Ass Nigger!

See bitch, ass, nigger, ban, gangster


From the root BAN meaning Bitch Ass Nigga, bannerisms are any

characteristics that can describe a BAN.

I can't believe that nigga started crying after that girl broke up with him. What a muthafukin BAN.

See bitch, punk, fag, pussy, weak


Rejected from newgrounds or any such thing.

Reason for ban: Creating a spam thread about Kupaman.

I swear I'll kill you, KupaMan!


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