Banana Farm

What is Banana Farm?


Radically stupid thing, event or person.

Do you know anyone that banana farms? No .. right? Think about it, there are big friggin spiders in the banana trees that show up at the supermarket carried in the fruit boxes that kill your ass in the produce isle. On the farm you gotta swing around in trees with a machete and lop off 200 pound banana bunches dropping them to the ground, smashing your farming buddy. It's ridiculous, but mostly "banana" is a funny word, like "banjo."

That chick is a total "banana farm."

They're "banana farming" the game.

See banana, bananas, farm, farming, farms


A mental hospital;a sanitarium; a kindergarten class;a nursery;a nut house.

Golly Ellie May,cousin jed has drank so mucha that "shine"that he`s a ready for the BANANA FARM.


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