
What is Band-aid?


someone who goes to rock concerts because of the music, because she inspires the musicians and believes the band to be very talented. not to be confused with a "groupie," who sleeps with rock stars because she wants to be near someone famous

penny lane is a bandaid who follows the tours of bands such as stillwater to inspire them and make their music even greater than it already is


when you cant fix something right away, but you hafta settle it down or at least put it off for a while

"Shit! well, ig its okay for now, i jus put a band-aid on the situation.." -taylor

See bandaid


An extra paper (usually a half) used to roll a joint that needs a little extra paper due to it being too loosely packed, ripped, or has exposed weed.

Dude 1: Dude you rolled that joint horribly

Dude 2: Yeah dude, I'll put a band-aid on it.

See bandaid, band-aid


A hardcore follower of a band, commonly referred to as a groupie.

Band Member: Get these fucking Band-Aids away from me. If I wanted a crackwhore bitch, I'd go visit the sorostitutes at UW-Whitewater.


a follwer of a band, not to be mistaken for a groupie. a band-aid has no morals and in many cases serves the sole purpose of oral pleasure

folowing the band just so you can say you did them


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