
What is Bandet?


Possibly the best hunter to ever grace WoW.

Bandet is best known for being rated #1 survival hunter in the 2v2 bracket in the united states, however he is also well known for his movies, portraying survivalas a deadly spec for any hunter to have, so long as he learns it correctly. Bandet has also been around to help out any hunter who desires to follow the path of Survivalismby guiding them in their quest.

1. Bandet is amazing.

2. Bandet rocked my world, all night long.

See survivalist, hunter, gladiator, wow, best


A less than average hunter; one below mediocrity.

Ravenhowl, 87/93, Chelihunter, Bandet

The Bandet came in 87th out of 93 2v2 gladiators.

See bandet, bad, huntard


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