Bang Train

What is Bang Train?


a hott selection of beauteous chicks who are very sexually hott and form a delicious train. for everyone besides dana hoes.

sexilicious train...not grinding because its not a lesbian type thing. but kind of.


bang train=a gatherance of select cool cats coming together to form a train like appearance, only works for the original crew, not dana Ho stalkers

bang train=if it were an olympic game itd be the main event for all bang squader mofos/sacredheart biiiotches


a group of girls so painfully hott that it hurts, in a train pose. not to be confused with grinding because it isnt a lesbian type thing. its a "we're so sexy we just need to get in a hott line and be captains of bang trains" type thing.

BEWARE, there are those who try to make bang trains but they really arent legit trains because you have to be hott in order to make one (SO NO DANA HOES)

blake: hey, we're sexy and its lunchtime. lets make a hott bang train to use up some time. and take pictures.

darcy: sweet. lets.


a line of people who are going from stomach to back, etc. usually with some "choo choo" arm movements. very physical. very hott and only what cool kids do. scratch that. dana hoes do it.

hot ncds girls on top of eachother showing dana who's boss.

See Rachel


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