
What is Bangladesh?


Bangladesh is a beautiful small country located in South-East Asia in the Indian-subcontinent. Formerly known as East Pakistan, it became independent in 16 December 1971 after 9 months of bloody war and brutal killings of 3 million people, mostly students and intellectuals.

Bangladesh is renowned for its Cox's Bazaar beach which is the longest in the world, its beautiful and world's largest mangrove forest 'Sunderban' which is also home to the largest number of tigers in the world known as the 'Royal Bengal Tiger'.

Despite being a poor country and devastated by natural disasters and periodic floods every year, Bangladesh is growing strong, gradually developing and a peace-loving country by being the biggest contributor of UN peacekeepers.

East or West, Bangladesh is the best.

See Dew


Located in South Asia. Next to India. A very beautiful place, used to be called East Pakistan but won independance from Pakistan more than 26 years ago.

Wow bangladesh is beautiful man!


Cool, Successful, Famous

Until my death, I'm Bangladesh.

Quote by Xzibit in the Eminem song "Whats The Difference"

See cool, successful, famous, rich, loaded


Country located in South-Eastern Asia. Population roughly about 141,340,476 (July 2004 est.) with a total area of 144,000 sq km, which is a little bit smaller than Iowa. Formerly known as "East Pakistan". Bordered by India and Burma.

My friend went on business to BANGLADESH.


A very beautiful place in South East Asia. It has a lot of people living there about 141,822,000. and the place is the size of wyoming. It used to be called east-pakistan.

The language spoken there is bengali. The nae of the country bangladesh come from the term " land of the bengals".

Bangladesh has the biggest mall in south Asia, Bashundara city mall. IT is a gorgeous mall( my kinda mall)

Bangladesh has a very beautiful beach i think near sylet im not sure but it is the worlds longest beach and the sand is really good for pedicures.

Bangladesh has my kinda mall.

See bangladesh, mall, great, lovely, beautiful


The only country in the world which doesnt have any laws governing the use of Cannabis.

*Somewhere in some little bangladesh village

Raja: Yo man this spliff is a fooking blast!

Ali Saddat: I told you so. Aww shit here comes the cops

*Cop rickshaw pulls up*

Cop: You smoking gangja there son?!

Ali Saddat: No sir we are just...

Raja: Fuck yeah officer, this is the shit! You want a rasta blasta?

Cop: Go on boy! Spark me up!

See ganja, spliff, joint, hashish, blunt


Cool, Phat, sick

He is bangal man

(Only applies to Bengal or Indian)

See Gangsta


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