What is Banjo Player?
It is basicly a girl or boy who goies around 'playing' other people of the opposite sex. I.e Going up to them and making them think they like them when actually it is a devilish plot to rule over everyone.
Player: Your looking sexy today Grrr...
Uglyboy 18:Gee thx sexy lady
Later that day....
Uglyboy 18: Wow i think she likes me :P
Uglyboy 28: Nah she likes me you tart.
Clever boy 1: No you fools she is playing you like a banjo, i mean full on band practice.
The offspring of people(?) from isolated communities who are married to his/her/?? father/mother/brother/sister/any near relation.
See also
We played Sheerness East today, the banjo players kicked us all over the park!