
What is Bar?


term in hip hop used for a line break

i have a big pile of cheese/

look at her shes gonna sneeze/

that is two bars


Slang name for a 2mg. XANAX tablet. Derived from its long bar-like shape.

Florida Governor, Jeb Bush's daughter was arrested for calling in a bullshit prescription for XANAX bars.

See Brandon


BAR Browning Automatic Rifle was Made in 1918 Chambering a .30-06 Rifle Round.

It Held a 20 Round Clip. The BAR was Best Used in a Group of Men lieing Prone use "covering Fire" Tatics

Johny Droped his BAR Because the German Shot His Arm Off with the MG-42 On Top the Hill


The source of many jokes.

A guy walks into a bar...


A section of music who's length is determined by the time signature.

Contrary to popular belief, rap isn't the only type of music out there. All types of music have bars.

See staff, music, classical, clef, bass


Used to define Pound Sterling Unit (Money)

"Blood, I'll give you 1 bar if we split two's"


The other default variable used in programmer's slang

Then I did:

$foo = new MyClass();

$bar = $foo->connect();

but all I got was a PEAR::Error in $bar


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