
What is Baracknophobia?


Fear of an African-American President.

Hilary Clinton Supporter: "Barack Obama has no experience!"

Psychiatrist: "I'm afraid you have a mild case of Baracknophobia..."

See barack, obama, black, african american, fear


The irrational fear of hope. Refers to Barack Obama. Usually refers not to policy differences with Barack Obama but to believing unproven Internet rumors (that he's a Muslim, that he wants to enslave white people, etc.).

"I don't have Baracknophobia. He's a Muslim!"--Anonymous Grandmother

See tags, can, kiss, my, ass


The irrational fear of hope; the irrational fear that behind the mild-mannered facade, Barack Obama is intent on enslaving the white race.

The sickness manifests itself mostly through rumor, often in the form of the only E-mail your grandmother has ever been able to successfully forward.

Barack Obama has lady parts! NO. Baracknophobia.

See obama, barack, black, terror


The fear by unreasoning Americans that Barack Obama, a black man, will become their next president and bring something good back to the country.

Bush and McCain Republicans, wishing to remain in Iraq indefinitely, suffer from extreme Baracknophobia.

See paranoia


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