What is Barryboys?
In the context of barryboysa website where the common barryboy and his barry car is discussed, often in an inflammatory way.
Barryboys - the plural of
Sometimes similar to a
Barryboys website - site founder Clive Devonshire.
There's a group of barryboys over there in
MacDonalds carpark!
Barryboys tend to favour Corsas and Saxos as their car of choice.
Why do barryboys always choose
Halfords accessories for modfying their cars?
A website full of arrogant miserable 'critics' who have nothing better to do all day than insult other peoples cars or new users that may not understand the precise rules barryboys have. The community is similar to that of the 'league of gentlemen' - full of very strange retards.
"You're a useless cunt get off barryboys because you don't understand our forum".