
What is Barwad?


The crumpled, unorganized, rat's nest looking wad of cash usually consisting of ones and fives (though tens and twenties can sometimes, though rarely, be seen) found in the pockets of someone who went out drinking (heavily) after an ill-advised decision to pull out a few twenties from the bank/ATM. The barwad, when uncrumpled and counted, is typically found to be considerably less than the amount withdrawn. Most often found on patrons of cash-only bars.

1. I had a terrible day today. I was so incredibly hungover, puked three times after I woke up, and then when I tried to grab some food, my barwad from last night could barely pay for my breakfast burrito.

2. I woke up with the gnarliest barwad today!

See drinking, drink, drunk, bar, wad, barwad, cash


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