Base Rape

What is Base Rape?


The act of destroying or laying seige to an area designated as safe or protected for the opposite team.

An effective, but sometimes scrutinized tactic in Tribes 2 is base raping the opponent by entering their base with a heavy armor and destroying all defenses, generators, and inventory stations available.

See m00k


The act of attacking or laying seige to a base without attempting to capture it. This is often done in a way that the other team cannot fight back before being killed after spawning, usually in a vehicle or sometimes with a sniper rifle from a distance. It is usually done in a deathmatch style First Person Shooter

The chopper circled over and base raped our main base, then flew off when we finally did some damage. They didn't even try to take the flag.

See spawn rape, camp, fps, first person shooter


In an online game, the act of killing spawning enemies before they leave the base.

It was a total base rape that last round of Warhawk.

See pwnage, all your base are belong to us, murder


To rape repeatedly on the enemies base normally using a very high powered rifle with a .650 calibre.

Damn joe! I just got down right base raped!

See base, rape, repeatedly, rifle


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