
What is Basin?


Another word for a crackhead. Usually seen walking fast down the street in order to get their rocks.

Every town, city, state got a basin.


Derives from the term baser.

When under the influence of cocaine, a person does nothing and tends to waste their life away.

The act of doing nothing.

*One does not have to be under the influence of any mind altering substances, they can simply be doing nothing.*

Person A: A yo what you doin tonight?

Person B: Nothing dawg - we basin'!

Why you basin'?

Stop basin' out and go do some work!

See bored, crackhead, maxin, chillin, nothing


the name given to a toygraffiti writer - mainly in sydney australia.

the name is based upon a writer who was called basin who was very unpopular in the scene.

your such a basin brah!

See basin, gronk, dkode, 2true, eshay, adlay


Place of thorough washing. No substitute for a shower really.

I wash thoroughly in a basin.

See Jarf


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