What is Bathroom?
For men a bathroom is a place to piss, shit, vomit, jerk off, shower, shave and read.
For women a bathroom is a place to wash up, prepare, shave, brush, bath, relax, clean and to chat.
For many, the bathroom is the last stronghold of privacy.
Steve: Oh fuck, I feel terrible, I can't tell if I'm goin to shit or vomit.
Jeff: Whatever your problems are you can resolve them in the bathroom.
What Americans call a toilet, even if it has no bath in it.
John went and shat in the bathroom as he could not find a toilet in America.
A nice place to have sex specially under the shower.
mayne it ws fun fucking dat bitch in d bathroom.
A placer where you take a
Oh shit Im Horny let me take some lube and this porn mag
I gotta take a shit, can you say bathroom.
Shit dude, don't pee on the bush go to the bathroom
Shit dude you drank a 5th of Vodka, ima vomit, let me go to the bathroom
It's where all the dicks hang out
Guy 1 - Hey I'll be back in a sec, I have to use the bathroom.
Guy 2 - Use caution, I hear it's where all the dicks hang out.