
What is Batroun?


Batroun is the latest Drinking Game for those nights when you don't want to drink. Its Beer Pong without the Beer

Bro 1: Hey Bro, lets play beirut.

Bro 2: nah bro, national laws and regulations restrict the consumption of alocoholic beverages for people under 21.

Bro 1:Aiite lets play batroun.

Bro 2:O yeah batroun, its beerpong except without the beer.

See batroun, moto, beirut, drinking game, pong


A city in lebanon(middle east)well known for its amazing nightlife..

if you walk in batroun u can see nothing but nightclubs and bars full with people partying and dancing!

Candice: I was in batroun last friday we partied till dawn and then had a Knefeh breakfast in the morning on our way home.

Jeff : Man!! i wish i was wih u i heard that its the best nightlife in the world!

See lebanon, knefeh, nightclub, batroun


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