Bats In The Cave

What is Bats In The Cave?


visible clumps of nose goblins, often found clinging to nasal hair.

"you need to blow your nose, you got some serious bats in the cave!!"

See grooming, nose hair, gross, snot, boogers


A condition that occurs when a women has not had sex in a long time. Therefore she has Bats in her cave.

Guy 1: "That girl has a really nice ass. I mean, Dam!"

Guy 2: "tru d that, but that girl has 'Bats in the cave'. She will be a quickie."

See sex, women, virgin, ass


A description a woman may use for being celibate or not having had sex in some time.

It's been so long since I had sex that I got bats in the cave.

See bats, cave, celibate, cobwebs, vagina, sex


When I was growing up: "Bats in the Cave" is when you spread a guy's shitter so you can buttfuck him but he's got a load of black dingleberries hangin' from his asshairs.

I was about to do damage to Pete's anus, but damn that dude had about a hundred hangers jangling in the wind: Bats in the Cave, dude. STANK.

See dingleberries, buttfucking, anal sex, mess, cornholing, grundle sauce, duck butter


Bits of cocaine stuck to one's nose hairs.

Dude, I gotta check the mirror for bats in the cave before we go to the club.

See The Colonel


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