Batti Boy

What is Batti Boy?


1. A homosexual man (Batti=ass Boy=man)

2. A term used by moronic idiots who have nothing better to say

1. He started rubbing my shoulders and I knew he was a batti boy.

2. I got called a Batti Boy last night, I thought to myself 'Only a fucker would say that'


A derogatory phrase found in some reggae lyrics that is hostile towards homosexual men.

Most reggae music is so uplifting and positive; it's too bad some dancehall jerks use ignorant phrases like batti boy and chi-chi man in their lyrics and take away from the usual loving, peaceful message of that genre.


a phrase commonly used by chavs, scallies and wiggas which means ' gay boy' ...

chav: oi BATTI BOY! been to any good gay bars recently?


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