
What is Battle?


Battle is the Core system of Hiphop.

you battle on the Mic (Rap)

you battle on the floor (Breakdance)

you battle on turntables (Turntablism)

you battle on the wall (Graffiti)

When you find yourself competing using any one of these you are a true hiphop head not the shit talking, preaching muthafucking backpacker.

you talk to much shit!!! lets BATTLE THEN BITCH!!! wha?? where ya going!! hahahahah homeboy is all talk and no skillz.



Short for Battle Buddy. A term used in the US Army to describe a good friend, someone you would trust with your life, and team mate in a military unit.

Soldier 1: Hey battle, cover my 6 while I clear this room.

Soldier 2: Roger that battle.

See battle, battle buddy, army, soldier, friend, John


the one who keeps an eye on you for protection

hollywood stars have to choose qualified battles

See protector, defender, escort, companion


To perform or do anything. Popularized by BC Tom from Atlanta.

"I'm gonna battle on down to the dining hall - you want anything Chris?"

"I just bought this huge keg of Natty Light. Want some?"

"Hell yeah - I'll battle that."

"Gary, when are you gonna battle that 30 page paper that's due tomorrow?"

See Scott


Brit rhyming slang: Battle = short for 'battle cruiser', rhyhmes with boozer, meaning a pub.

"u rite me old china fancy a bevvy down the battle? After we'll have a ruby and get a sherbert home"

See battle, cruiser, pub, drink, boozer


Just like u've got the cell in Biology

and as u've got the atom in Physics,

u've got "battle" as the core of Hip-hop.

Hip-hop without MC's battling on the mic or DJ's battling on the turntable is incomplete!

If u're doin' rap and u ain't got no battle, it's like u're in a boat and u ain't got no paddle.


two skilled rappers (professional or not) do verses until a person is clearly known as the winner. Ususally a crowd judging it.

-Stop the violence, let's have a battle instead.

-.... sure why not.

See Kevin


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