What is Baumy?
A super sexy, highly intelligient human being. This is used to define someone of much greater sexyness over you. Baumy was first founded on a internet forum called eBaumsworld. He soon became a super sexy president that everyone loved. Hence the name Baumy.
Hey guys look! He's just like baumy!
Baumy was a great sexy man.
Baumy fucked my dog, but he is baumy so I told him to do my mother and My sister!
Baumy's were first invented when the horny members of eBaumsworld forums ( Star, sickgirl, zephyr, mace, and tinabina) decided they needed pleasure. So then a Baumy was created. A baumy is like a vibrating dildo but its name is much more appealing. Baumy's are 12.99 at lemonparty
Go now for special deals!
A baumy is also a nickname for a pimp.
The baumy pleasured me so good!
The baumy and his ho's are whack foo!