
What is Baxendale?


other wise known as: ginger pubes, sad act and pervert should be avoided at all times due to disturbing tendancies to wanting to analy rape you (phil dont steal my phrase dickwad)

whoa that baxendale nearly got me next time i wont pick that soap up


ginger, cunt

Your bein a bit of a baxendale today

See Philippe


Paedophile who spanks girls who hate him, who jacks off on his webcam, and who assumes he can sing and play the bass (He can't do either of these things, especially not at the same time), and whose band smells of sweaty balls.

Yeah you're a bit of a baxendale


a dumb ass ginger prick wit nuffink betta 2 do then gt his dik out on webcam 2 unsuspecting fictems!

you get deppressed wen u c his face n all u can c is a glowing ginger light!lmfao m88888888 he cnt sing!

im a ginger prick hu ct sing


a lovelyish person...very kind,caring and nice! erm thats about all i can say on the positive note!

a real perve and all around shit stirrer, but we love him all the same!

dont go bein assy bout john doe there a great band!

ok i agree they cant sing and the members are fairly odd, but put it all together and they arent half a great band!


a ginger kiddy fiddeler who cries over the internet

baxendale likes 4 year olds


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