
What is Bbv?


Brags, Beats, and Variance

A common format of poker discussion, where one mentions something that went well (a brag), something that went poorly (a beat), and something that was unusual (some variance)

Check out the BBV thread on 2+2.

See poker, beats, discussion


Invented by the one and only bobby

bo: "we should do it"

me: "why?"

bo: "because bbv wants us too"

See Fitzy


Blood Belching Vagina or a person whos vagina is so loose that "belches" blood all the time or that person always is having their period. This can also be used to insult people.

Matt: y dont u go suck some more dick

Vanessa: at least im not a BBV

Matt: Shit how'd u kno


It means anything and everything.

BBV is life!

Do it


Cause BBV comands it.

See Fitzy


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