
What is Bbw?


1. A leading term used by many as Big Beautiful Woman.

2. An empowering alternative and politically correct description for the plus size woman as opposed to the derogatory term of Fat.

3. A woman who is over the so called weight standards.

The women at this fashion club have too many issues, I heard the women at the BBW clubs are cool.


A word that fat chicks use as a euphemism for fat. These girls usually run personal ads calling themselves "pleasingly plump." Sure, you're pleasingly plump if the South Pole is refreshingly chilly.


"Big Beautiful Woman." A cute fat chick. And yes, they do exist.

Mary stormed into her apartment, her hair still damp and her round, pretty face suffused with anger, and threw the bag containing her size-18 SlimSuitâ„¢ violently into the corner. Those smirking gym rats at the pool had gotten on her last nerve, and swimming circles around them didn't help any longer. As if it wasn't bad enough that her latest attempt at dieting had only managed to make her feel tired and cranky!

Finally, she sat down at the computer and began drafting a tentative personal ad: "BBW seeks real man..."


acronym for "Big Beautiful Women" but in all reality it's saying that obesity is supposed to be sexy when it's just disgusting

being 5'4" and 380lbs is not BBW it's fucking obese

See fat, ass, ghetto, obese, diet, weight, watchers


BBW is an acronym for "big, beautiful woman" and is a term often used on dating/social networking sites by fat chicks with pretty faces. A BBW is the opposite of a butterface.

The ongoing debate rages as to whether the term BBW is an oxymoron. For the most part it IS (but I have never been a fan of flab). I do concede, however, that for a woman to be considered physically "beautiful", she MUST possess a pretty face. (So there is potential for a BBW to become truly beautiful by trimming down).

Admittedly, definitions of beauty can be somewhat subjective and vary from culture to culture. Realistically speaking though, if a woman is too overweight to wear a two-piece bathing suit in public, then she does not approach an accurate description of beautiful.

Modern day beauty pageants like "Miss USA" and the "Miss Hawaiian Tropic International" are very illustrative of this point. The contestants possess varying physical attributes but, regardless of height, breast cup size, butt size, hair length, hair color and eye color, they have one thing in common: flat stomachs.


A BBW posts photographs of herself on social networking sites that are purposely shot so as to disguise her obesity. Classic examples usually include a combination of:

- close-up head or face shots

- extremely high or overhead camera angles

- low-key lighting and possibly actual image manipulation.

Flashing cleavage or employing hairnosis and/or boobnosis can also be used as secondary deceptions.

Since most men have booblevision to begin with, they rarely pause to consider that the BBW in question could shrink one to three WHOLE bra cup sizes if they ever lost the excess flab. Obviously going from a D cup to an A cup would render the formerly outstanding bust line moot.

(In this same vein, a woman writer once quipped, "When I'm a size six, I can get into my favorite jeans. When I'm a fourteen, I finally have the bust line that I always wanted in high school.") 'Nuff said?

BBWs come in two basic groups: those who want to lose weight, and those who won't do what is necessary to lose weight (choosing instead to refer to themselves by outrageous euphemisms such as: "fluffy", "juicy", "thick", "big boned", "pleasingly plump", or "more to love." Star Jones is their poster child).

To the first group, I would suggest having your thyroid gland checked out by a medical doctor who knows something about nutrition and does not dismiss naturopathic remedies. Eat enough medium to low calorie foods to feel full, and have a few colonics to insure proper nutrient absorption. If you have been genetically hosed by your family's DNA, you're going to have to put extra effort into whatever you do. Surgery may be an option, but there is NO substitute for regular exercise.

To the second group I ask, who do you think you are fooling? As Jeff Foxworthy observed about large women wearing Spandex, "If your bottom looks like two raccoons wrestling around in a fifty pound sack of feed, you are NOT 'juicy'!"

"Mimi" is the self-proclaimed "Southside Stunna" but Kip Dynamite wants a full body shot to prove she's not just another BBW with delusions of grandeur.

See big beautiful woman, more to love, big boned, plumper, fat chick, chubster, fluffy, boomsheeka, sif, hairnosis, boobnosis, booblevision, pantyhoes, skeezer, beer goggles, fatty remorse, cougar


BBW stands for Big Beautiful Woman. Which, as someone stated earlier, is an oxymoron.

For one thing, some fat woman are cute, just as well as some people with a normal body weight are cute. I'd say the ratio of fat good looking people to normal weights is about 1:7. Not many fat people look good, and once their clothes come off it I think they become more nauseating than cute. All people have their own personalities, being fat or skinny doesn't dictate your personality. They only compare themselves to the skinny people, when that is not the standard with beautiful women. There's a healthy median between fat and skinny, and that's normal. (no, I don't mean America's average. 5"4 - 110 lbs, etc.) Excluding the .05% of the population that enjoys cottage cheese or bones, people, especially men, like that average. It's not beautiful to be fat or twiggy.

Janet is a fat woman. Janet calls herself a BBW because she wants more self-esteem but is too lazy to lose the weight. Janet uses the exscuse that she has medical issues, but at the same time Janet criticizes skinny people even though the majority of them have medical issues too, just like fat people. Janet could lose the weight if she tried, but Janet finds it much easier to bask in her own ignorance.

See fat, beached whale, chubby, chubster, cottage cheese


Big Beautiful Women

Oh how i love BBW's


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