
What is B^.^d?


Known as the "thumbs-up smiley," it is an ascii or emoticon similar to ^.^ b. It is displayed with two thumbs upas seen with the placement of the 'b' and 'd' before and after the ^.^ emoticon, respectively. Compared to the ^.^ b emoticon, the lone 'b' is switched to a 'd' and a 'b' is added to the other side to properly depict where the fist would be if one were to observe and individual put their thumbs up.

Derived from the ^.^ emoticon, it expresses similar emotions to a physical thumbs up such as approval, joy, or success.

Seth: I just got laid last night!

Tom: noice!! b^.^d

See d^.^b, thumbs up, symbol, cool, awesome


A japanese jew.

look at those nice peyos!! and those little eyes...

oh yes is a japanese jew b^.^d

See japanese, jew, religion, respect, mountain


Known as the "thumbs-up smiley," it is an ascii or emoticon similar to ^.^ b. It is displayed with two thumbs upas seen with the placement of the 'b' and 'd' before and after the ^.^ emoticon, respectively. Compared to the ^.^ b emoticon, the lone 'b' is switched to a 'd' and a 'b' is added to the other side to properly depict where the fist would be if one were to observe and individual put their thumbs up.

Derived from the ^.^ emoticon, it expresses similar emotions to a physical thumbs up such as approval, joy, or success.

Seth: I just got laid last night!

Tom: noice!! b^.^d

See d^.^b, ^.^, cool, thumbs up


Known as the "thumbs-up smiley," it is an ascii or emoticonsimilar to ^.^ b. It is displayed with two thumbs upas seen with the placement of the 'b' and 'd' before and after the ^.^ emoticon, respectively. Compared to the ^.^ b emoticon, the lone 'b' is switched to a 'd' and a 'b' is added to the other side to properly depict where the fist would be if one were to observe and individual put their thumbs up.

Derived from the ^.^ emoticon, it expresses similar emotions to a physical thumbs up such as approval, joy, or success.

Seth: I just got laid last night!

Tom: noice!! b^.^d

See cool, ^.^, d^.^b, emoticon


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