
What is Beandip?


To lift someones boob up and say "Beandip!"

While Jonnny sat there, I lifted his titty and said "Beandip"

See beaner, bean, dip, dippy, dipper


1) a nicer word for beaners

2) a bunch of mexicans in a body of water

Shit, lets get out of here. There's fucking beandip in my pool

See beaner, mexican, water, pool, mexico


to make a scooping motion on a person's nipple whtile at the same time shouting, "Bean dip!"

Benny was walking down the hall when he was unexpectedly ambushed and "Bean-dipped"


See scoop, dip, yur mom, bean dip


A fancy Mexican Baptism.

What do you call a Mexican Baptism?...A Beandip.

See baptism, mexican, taco, burrito


Bean Dip- to put one's nut on or in something.

Vinny was sleeping so i bean dipped him.

See Ronald


dirty mexican.

Those beandips are looking through my trash for cans.

See assman


A term referring to vagina.

I stuck my penis in her beandip. I hit that beandip all night long.


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