
What is Beasted?


To have excelled at something as if using super-human beast like skills.

I totally beasted my math test, got an A.


it has a lot of meanings it just depends on where and how ur gonna say it.

to over exaggerate,to much of, to beat someone badly, and more meanings that i cant think of right now.

"damn boy you beasted on that."

"they beasted on all of yall"

"wow you beasted"

See beast, beasting, exaggerate, badly, damn


to be owned, powned and all other adjetictives that have to do with getting you ass kicked in a first person shooter

this noob just got fucking beasted.

See owned, beast, powned, raped


What cool kids on Gears Of War say, especially nubs.

Yo, I beasted you, cuz im MLG Pro.

See beast, mlg, gears, pro, cool, kids


To get your ass stomped.

When I told my mom to go to hell I got my ass beasted.

See Jessica Alba


1.Drunk as hell, usually involves passing out, making out with randoms, throwing up...

2.Extremely ugly

3. to have done something really well

1.Billy was beasted last night, he passed out on the toilet with his pants down,

2. That bitch is BEASTED!

3. You beasted that bitch in the fight

See powed, drunk, boot nasty, beastly, owned


to get tossed into a row of lockers.

"damn Medrano, Montoya beasted your ass!"

See tossed, thrown, bitched, chucked, done up, gost


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