
What is Beaster?


The act of licking or eating out one's ass and or asshole. This act was invented by Todd Beaster.

1. I don't got your 20 dollars right now, but I can give you a beaster instead.

2. Did you hear about Bill? He gave Tammy a beaster, thats fucking sick dude.


not dank, a lesser quality of nug. Usually smells of hay

hey you got any chronic


that shit aint dank thats just some beaster

See wes


To set the record straight, a beaster is an individual who lives life with no limits. Specifically, it pertains to a person who on a daily basis, or at least on weekends, consumes three or more tall cans of malt liquorin an evening and smokes all the dank that is handed to them.

Don't bring Pat to the BBQ, that fool's a beaster.

Oh really, what's that?

He'll drink and smoke all your shit.

See drunkard, pothead, christianity, skater, beasta


An individual whose placid exterior hides a savage beast within. Such individuals tend to work in staid corporate atmospheres and terrorize fools with a mastery of white collar arcana. Approach beaster at your own peril.

Person 1: Dude just laid the smack down with that pretrial motion.

Person 2: Yeah. Beaster.

See badass, beaster, assassin, playa, trapper


On Pascha (Easter), your buddies come over with cans of beast (milwaukee best). You paint the cans, hide them, and have a beast hunt.

Guy 1: Hey, what are you doing for zombie Jesus day?

Guy 2: Having a Beaster hunt, of course!

See easter, holiday, jesus, beer, beast, milwaukee


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