Becker College

What is Becker College?


Ahh Becker College where can I start? Well actually nowhere because there is nothing to say about a private school with about 1600 people, half of which live off campus. Another funny thing I learned about the school is that about 99% of the people who attend live 5 minutes away but insist on rooming. Also Becker has a zero tolerance policy for drinking, the biggest party i have been to was about 15 people, how cool is that! It's really a shame Becker didn't make the top 10 party school list. Campus police walks in and out of the dorms as they please; it’s really sweet of them to make sure everyone is safe. I wouldn’t even know where to begin in defining the type of kids who go to this school; lets just say they are far from preppy. Oooo sports here rule, seriously they are so good, just kidding we haven’t won a game in years. Well that about sums it up.

if you dont want to have fun and sit in your dorm room 24/7 then go to Becker College

See sucks, stupid, boring


I agree with the other definition the other person said about this school. The school is separated with 2 campuses, one in the middle of nowhere and the other in the crap city of Worcester. The one in Worcester has only 2 buildings for the school, and the rest of the campus is a super small community of apartment houses that is constantly patrolled by campus police (they walk into the dorms as they please and close your doors and lock you out if your not in there even though your next door). If you like eating the same thing every single day, this is the perfect place for you (Cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, grilled cheese, tortillas with hardly any meat, no trays, bootleg soda; RC Cola; cups that are found everywhere on campus; in bathrooms, on the streets, in random places; a sandwich guy who does not know how to make a simple peanut butter sandwich). Less than 1/10 of the school lives on campus, more than 8/10 of the school population is females, which you can find most of them coughing up a lung outside of classes from smoking. Activities? Only a few people attend, maybe one to three? Oh, did I mention you can't have fun here? You can't have any parties, you can't drink even if your 21+, if you get caught drinking, they charge you with a fine of up to $25 (You will have to go see Tyrone! A big guy with huge lips). Oh and don't bother considering the "free laptop" thing, its a rip off. The dorms are a piece of shit, the only good one is Cedar Hall, the ONLY one they will show you in tours of the college campus. Think you will have your own parking spot? WRONG! People will park in the parking lot that don't have a parking permit and campus police claims "They can't do anything about it". Don't expect big parties on the weekends, because everyone goes home on the weekends. If you like random nerds going into your dorms to play video games from morning till past midnight, this place would be perfect for you. Enjoy your music while you can, because they will tell you to turn it down. There's nothing to do, AT ALL, around here, so you get to sit in your room all day and play video games! Yay!

Girl: So, what school do you go to?

Guy: Becker College

Girl: What's that?

Girl: Where do you go for school?

Guy: BC

Girl: Boston College?

Guy: Lets just leave it at BC

WARNING: Just don't even come to this school.

The criminal justice program has been here for a looong time and it still isn't accredited for the Quinn Bill

See crap, boring, whack, prison, waste, stealing, horrible, sucks, don't go, no sex


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