
What is Beef?


to have a grudge or start one with another person.

(50 cent: life's on the line) "Beef u dont want none so dont start none"


to have beef with someone is wanting a fight with them. A person having something against someone else or wanting an argument or a fight

oi blad why u want beef with me

oi u jacked my bredrin yeah and now i got beef with u

See buffness


When rappers aren't good enough lyricists to have fans or just want some publicity, they will copy Tupacand Biggy and set up a beef with another rapper.

Their auidence of mainly wannabe gangsta rich white folk love this because if they meet another wannabe gangsta who listens to a rival of their favourite rapper, they are allowed to exchange poorly thoughtup insults such as 'yo mama'.

The Game: Grrr...I am rich, famous but I am street which means I am required by law to have a beef with another rapper. 50 cent is fake and so is G-Unit.

50 cent: I am not fake even though after that shooting I am now 76% mechnical parts. I mention my shooting as much as possible because it means I am hardcore and it doesn't occur to people that the shooter was just a lousy shot. I am hardcore so buy my records. If you buy my records, that means you are hardcore, who cares about artistic talent? You're out of G-Unit The Game.


to start a fight, to get into argument with another person, or group of people

"I just had a bad day, don't start no beef with me"

See Ekta


1. To fight or Scrapwith another person.

2. Meat from a cow.

Guy sticks middle finger at another guy.

Other guy: What? You wanna beef?

next example

Tom: Let's eat beef!

See Nikko


What's beef? Beef is when you need two gats to go to sleep

Beef is when your moms ain't safe up in the streets

Beef is when I see you

Guaranteed to be in ICU, one more time

What's beef? Beef is when you make your enemies start your Jeep

Beef is when you roll no less than thirty deep

Beef is when I see you

Guaranteed to be in ICU, check it

Ay yaw niggaz got beef wit my set? Nigga, we spit on yaw face unnastan?

See The Notorious B.I.G.


Originally american slang meaning to fight someone or being aggressive towards someone.

Used commonly in America and in England. If you say 'Do you want beef?' to someone you will usually end up fighting or maybe even passing away

Northside Rudeboy: Man you cant spitfor shit


Northside Rudeboy: Shut the fuck up you dick... *pulls out a gat*

Southside Battyman: No beef, man, no beef, allow it bruvs.. ALLOW IT!!


Southside Battyman: ...fuck... biatch.. southside for lyf!.. ya hear fuker!!

*Rudeboy aims at battyman's head*

err.... i mean northside for lyf


*Battyman dies*

See E!


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