
What is Beer?


The reason I get up in the morning and the reason I pass out at night.

beer GOOD!


Proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Helping white people dance since the 1600's.

See Homer Simpson


The cause of and solution to all life's problems!

-via Homer J. Simpson


Its the fifth element after water, fire, earth and wind... Nothing exists without it!

- Life sucks...

- Here have a beer!

- Life sucks only when the beers effect wares off!


A magic potion used to make people of the opposite look better

She had no teeth and a 3 inch diameter goiter on the side of her bearded face, but after a 12 pack of beer I didn't even notice.

See smoog


a liquid form of carbohydrates that should be drank as a replacement for all other liquids, especially water

i'm hungry, where is the beer for my cereal

that was a hard workout, i should rehydrate, where is my beer


what men need to function daily

Its 6 a.m. damn it i need a beer to get going


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