What is Beer Balls?
the phenomenon where an otherwise timid individual has consumed enough beer that he begins shit-talking to anything he comes in contact with and has the illusion that he could defend himself when someone tries to kick his ass because of that shit-talking (i.e. - the drunk grows a set of balls - beer balls); this person's tendency to shit-talk decreases with his blood-alcohol level.
"I could not believe the shit that fool was talking. I'm glad I kicked his ass."
"He was drunk. I guess he had a set of beer balls."
someone who can drink alot and not get drunk.
i.e., like drinking someone under the table.
"i could drink you under the table."
"whatever, you don't have any beer balls."
Similar to whickey dick however, the drunkeness of the male is so intense, that the balls are also impaired and resist any sexual stimulation to encourage an erection. Also known as rum nuts!
"I can't go home with you if you're gonna have beer balls when we get there."