Beer Skeet

What is Beer Skeet?


A drinking game played with the consumption of several or more beers. When two people have finished their cans of beer, player 1 yells pull, at which point player 2 throws his beer can into the air and player 1 throws his beer can in an attempt to hit it. Score is not usually kept since players try to drink their next beers as quick as possible in order to play another round. The game is best played on a porch or balcony. If glass bottles are used, it’s classified as an extreme sport.

Chris: Drew, finish your beer so we can play beer skeet.

Drew: Alright (Drew chugs 7th beer)!

Chris: PULL!

Drew: (Drew throws beer can in the air off the porch)

Chris: (Throws beer and misses)

Drew: My turn, hand me another beer (he then proceeds to chug)

See beer, skeet, drinking games, binge drinking, inebriated


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