
What is Beeracle?


When you think you're out of beer but then find one hiding in the back of your fridge.

We're out of booze...wait, it's a beeracle!

See miracle, beer, fridge, booze, drink


An event that should not happen but still does despite the amount of alcohol ingested by the person to whom it occurs.

Guy 1: Terry shotgunned 24 beers and got so drunk that he forgot his own name, but still hooked up Jen and Rebecca.

Guy 2: What a beeracle.

See shotgun, beer, drunk, liquor


When playing beer pong and an unlikely shot is made by a usually horrible player. Said player also has to be drunk or at least buzzed when the shot is made.

you: holy shit, Angela made a pong shot?

Me: wow, thats a beeracle for sure.

See beer, pong, beeracle, drunk, buzzed


Any amazing thing that can only happen when the doer is drunk.

1: hey, did you stay at the party long enough to see kevin take that running start toward the staircase at the end of our hallway?

2: no, but I heard him saying that he wanted to roll all the way down earlier. Did he make it?

1: yeah it was a total beeracle

See crunk, miracle, awesome, fantastic, beer


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