
What is Beermuffs?


When you're so drunk that the band at the bar doesn't sound as bad as they normally would--might, in fact, start to sound good.

I can't believe I bought that band's CD; I must have been wearing beermuffs.

See beer, beer goggles, bands, music, drunk


The inability to hear how loud you've gotten after drinking too much.

Candace: Hey, man, I'm right across from you, you don't have to yell.

Alex: Sorry, I've got my Beermuffs on.

See beer, volume, goggles, beer muffs


An invisible article of clothing that appears when you've had a lot of beer to prevent you from getting cold. They're a figure of speech really, the point is just that if you're drunk enough that you don't feel the least bit cold no matter where you are, you're sporting some serious beermuffs.

When Nate was about to leave the party it dawned on him that he lived 2 miles away. And it was 3 am. And he had no car. And he was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. And it was January. And he lived in the northern part of Alaska. And there was a blizzard going on outside. He knew the only solution to this dilemma was to hop on that keg like a Tri Delton a cake and fashion himself a good pair of beermuffs.

See Nick D


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