
What is Befell?


A single, though sexually active "straight" man from San Francisco. He obliges in insulting pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, while incessantly wanking to Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11. Upon discovery of his Michael Moore fetish, the BeFell has since retreated into the forests of Nevada.

BeFell hates America, especially the crazy Mormons.


A Canadian pretending to be an American.

It's to unpatriotic to even think of it.


1.) A target for all the idiots on Newgrounds to practise Rational American Thinkingaway from their homes on the NG BBS.

2.) Somebody with an opinion which is actually thought out and considered, with facts and other stuff like that behind it. No wonder Rational American Thinkers are so desperate to trash him on this site...

1.) "BeFell wanks while watching Michael Moore documentaries!!!"

2.) Search on the NG BBS and note the lack of flame wars and general bullshit.


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