
What is Beh-deh?


Beh-Deh is an evolved form of another evolved form of the name David or Dato. This name has been changed into Big D and then once again changed into the Russian inistials for BD or as you see here Beh Deh. This word can be used in almost any song if you think hard enough. For example instead of the Chillies "I want my baby back" song see below.

I want my Beh-Deh back,Beh-Deh back,Beh-Deh back.


These Beh Dehs can be put into any song because Beh-Deh is Beh-Deh. A person simply put who is a Beh-Deh.

I ain't a killa but dont push Beh-Deh is sweetest joy right next to getting pussy. Or I think Beh-Deh gon crazy.


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