
What is Bekah?


A very hott and beautiful girl.

Have you seen Bekah? She's perfect!

See Mark


the object of prefection

bekah is the object of prefection


A sexy, curvaceous, cowgirl that knows how to handle her business.

Other note-worthy characteristics include: kindness, a lack of humility, and a predilection for crappy films (i.e. Bring it On!)

Hoo damn, did you see how Bekah handled that trashtalker?

See sexy, curvy, cowgirl, tennessee, lover, awesome


A hot as hell vampire with kickass tattoos.

Also know as a wanted pedophile.

Person 1: Who is that?

Person 2: That's a Bekah.

Person 1: What's what?

Person 2: She's the most desirable girl in bed but watch your neck and your kid. She'll take 'em both while you're screaming for more.

See becca, beka, rebekah, rebecca


With the most blonde personality, this JABELS has the mamouth of all cars, the Goldsmobile. She's the one to arrive late to all of our functions, the first to fall asleep and the first to leave. This girl is truely one of a kind with a rockin' booty that we can't live without.

Late night basket ball sleepover, Bekah says, "guys, stop quoting from 101 Dalmations."

See Bubba


A filthy whore, who will sleep with any guy. Her primary concern in life is material goods. If she dies with a vaginal disease and a pair of stilettos on her feet; her life will be complete.

bekah shops at Abercrombie, or bekah sleeps with frat boys.

See bekah, whore, frat, shoes, sex


1. A former ska fan, now content living out the rest of her life in an attempt to escape her life in a small town in California.

2. A synonym for "random."

1. Bekah says she's going to run away to Tanzania. I guess it's better than Cambria.

2. That guy was being so totally bekah.


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