What is Bella Cullen?
Fictional character that emerges in Breaking Dawn after marrying Edward Cullen. Described after transforming from human (who is beautiful at best) to a vampire who now looks "breathtakingly gorgeous" and "like a God-damn supermodel".
Bella Swans tragic clumsiness and mouthwatering sent disappear. Her ability to control her emotions, her mind and put up a "shield" in the wake of her transformation result in the emergence of the single most gifted vampire of the saga.
Example #1
"Did you read breaking dawn? Because damn, Bella Cullen is the shit now."
This is the name Bella Swan takes on after marrying the irresistibly beautiful vampire,
Bella is a fictional character from the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.
"Enjoying the party, Mrs. Cullen?" -Edward Cullen talking to his new wife, Bella Cullen.
This is the name Bella Swan takes on after marrying the irresistably beautiful vampire,
"Enjoying the wedding, Mrs. Cullen?" -Edward talking to his new wife, Bella Cullen
Birthname: Isabella Swan
Now known as: Bella Cullen
Birthday: September 13
From: Phoenix, Arizona
Lives: Forks, Washington DC
Character in Stephanie Meyer's 'Twilight' saga. The significant other of Edward Cullen (sexy vampire). Twilight-Eclipse, was a brown eyed brunette, 5'4 .
As of Breaking Dawn (final book), she is married to Edward Cullen (since 18y.o), Is a mother to half vampire-half human child Renesmee, and is now a vampire (5days before turning 19).
She no longer has brown eyes.
Twilight movie release- December 2008.
Bella is portrayed by Kirsten Stewart.
Bella is waaay prettier.
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