
What is Belm?


From 1979 and Joey Deacons first ever appearence on Blue Peter (UK kids TV show for septic retards) The art of forcing your tongue against your bottom lip while making "NNNNRRRRGGGGGHHHH" sound just like old Joe Deek did

"you total spazz NNNRRRGGGGHHHHH"

See Jimi


A conversational retort born in the 80's (Via UK kids show Blue Peter in conjuciotn with spastic Joey Decon)

The "belm craze" spread quickly between all children from 5-55.

The Phrase is pronounced towards one who you are mocking or generally disagreeing with in conversation.

The word "belm" is pronounced by inserting ones tongue between the lower front teeth and lower front lip and pronouncing the word "belm". The "lm" aspect of the word can be "held" for many seconds for great effect; EG: Belllllllllllmmmm". The pronunciation can vary in tone depending on how "spazy" one wants to make the respondent think of the power of the "belm". EG: One could choose to "beeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllmmm" at the respodent via the above proper method.

For added effect to a belm it is normal to rub ones hand up and down along the enlarged front lip area or to slap it in case of greater insult to be conveyed.

One on one contact: One could also choose to do the belm but only utter the sound "mmm" with the tongue stuck in belm position, this is a subtle but thorough belm and should not be disregarded as a poor belm, it is damning. This is the ultimate close contact personal insult. Don't do it unless you really dislike them.





See belm, insult, spaz, school


Originally used by schoolkids in the 1970's, to express your opinion that the person you are speaking to is not telling the truth.

Always pronounced with your tongue stuck between your bottom lip and bottom teeth, so as to push out your bottom lip more than normal.

Often supplemented by holding said bottom lip area with your thumb and index finger, as if you were pulling your lip out.

Silly voice can be added for extra effect.

"You've got a space -invader machine in your bedroom? Belm!"

"He's such a belmer"

"You sh*gged a girl in fifth year? BELM! BELM! BELM!"


a rather thick acting person,with little or no common sense, somewhat like a chav.

me:hey paul isnt will such a belm

paul:hell yeah

me:lets go beat the belm

See balm, thicket, scally


to be a belm is to be a general mong.

belm should never be takin' as an insult as it is a compliment if you happen to be inbreed, which lets face it is alot of people now a days

God that peter is a Belm

See belm


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