Benny And The Jets

What is Benny And The Jets?


A song with a ridicuolously addicting beat which may inspire one to break out into song or dance, more than likely on a bar top or crowded city street.


A disease/disorder which may cause confidence or possibly a zombie like trance.

"So last night was weird. Rita went all Benny and the Jets on me!"

See airplane, flu, dance, disease, black death


A Detroit area rock band, formed in 1971 - several years before Elton John's hit of the same name. Lead guitarist / singer goes by the stage name of Ben E. Jets, other personel have changed over the years. They have opened for many big name acts, and are a regular fixture in the Detriot music scene.

Benny And The Jets play all over the city.

See bennie and the jets, detroit, inkster, plymouth, bar band


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