An athrilling state of euphoria leading to hallucinogenic mental irregularities.
The culmination of many exhausting hours resulting in a state of being far beyond delirious.
Marc is berifled after long study hours, the realization of a new love, and classic rock fresh in his ears.
See aberrant, bewildered, confused, crazed, crazy, demented, deranged, deviant, deviate, dingy, distracted, disturbed, flipped, flipped out, incoherent, insane, irrational, lightheaded, lunatic, mad, maniac, manic, raving, unhinged, unreasonable, wandering, drunk, ecstatic, enthused, frenetic, frenzied, furious, happy, intoxicated, overwrought, rabid, wild, ape, barmy, batty, berserk, bonkers, cracked, cuckoo, daft, delirious, dippy, flaky, freaked out, fruity, haywire, idiotic, kooky, mental, moonstruck, nuts, nutty, potty, psycho, screw loose, screwball, screwy, silly, touched, unglued, wacky, whacko, bananas, bemused, ding-a-ling, distraught, foolish, psychotic, schizoid, disconcerted, displaced, fried, loco, maddened, anomalous, atypical, bent, devious, different, divergent, freaky, heretical, kinky, preternatural, twisted, beatific, blissful, cool, dreamy, elated, enthusiastic, euphoric, far out, fervent, floating, gone, high, hopped up, joyous, out, sent, spaced out, stoned, sunny, tickled pink, turned on, upbeat, weird, weirded out, wigged out, fiery, flushed, hot