
What is Berserker?


1. A sect of Norse warriors who would fight with no armor and would continue fighting despite wounds or chance of victory.

2.Used to say some one has flipped a shit and done something rash with no self regard

sweet Jesus, jimmy went berserker on that salesman and ripped out his heart and ate it for courage

See berserker


Although similar groups have been found around the world, berserker generally refers to the small class of Nordicpeoples who could be found preforming inhuman feats on the battlefield. When in combat a berserker would fight nude and/or completely unarmored, sometimes taking the skins of bears, wolvesor other beasts to heighten his appearance. Uncontrollable rageis the signature of the berserker. To enter this rage many would have pre-battle ceremonies in which they would consume alcohol, and work themselves up into a violent, bloodlusting mood through dance and similar actions, and then often take psychoactive drugs to make them, in combination with the mighty rage, immune to pain and personal hurt. As a result, these fierce warriors would not back down when injured or against overwhelming odds, and be completely numb to pain and the killing that they were doing. This is a lethal combination, and makes the berserker a plausible candidate for creating the werewolf myth, let alone a terrifying addition to the ancient battlefields of Europe and Scandinavia.

It is known that these specific warriors known as berserkers were often intense followers of the god Odinand other members of the Aesir, and would engage in religious ceremonies invoking these forces to imbue them into an insane, unmatched frenzy before battle.

With a mighty swing of his rough axe, the blood-covered skyclad Berserker pounded through the lines and formations of living flesh and blood, screaming as a dozen men fell to his blade, unwavering in his savage assault when blades and arrows pierced his own skin.

See berserker, odin, viking, barbarian, berzerker, berserk, aesir, rage, malice, anger, psychoactive, drugs, beserker


A practitioner of BERZERKER(tm) Viking Fighting Arts - the best, the deadliest and the most brutal combat system ever invented by man

An advanced Berserker will use nut biting, eye gouging and windmilling to defeat any attacker. He can kill you with a spoon.

See berserker, viking, fighting, combat, kill, maim, mutilate


Somebody who gets smashedand possibly turns violent before or after doing so. Named after Norse warriors who would get intoxicated using liquor, then fight to the death.

More modern use makes reference to people who more self-disregard and less focus on fighting or violence, and berserkers usually will do all types of drugs.

Steve: Hey, have you seen Dave?

Me: Not for a few months... Who knows? That kid's a damn berserker.

Steve: Yeah, he's been drinking a lot more lately.

See Robert


A word to be used in conjunction with a string of words, making little or no sence, but also featuring the word "love". Thought to have originated from Oleg.

"My Love for you is ticking clock, berserker"

"My Love for you is like a truck, berserker"

See Thor


1. A ronin or warrior mostly found in viking and some slavic cultures who pledge allegience to no master and with nothing left to loose but life itself which is often the test of their sanity and strength once the battle is done.

2. Anyone who goes balls out and gets completely lost in the moment like a maniac on a destroying mission. They are likely to damage themselves or things they should care about in the process of total destruction.

3. Anyone exhibiting insane fury and reckless savagery.

4. Dischordian element in the creative process which acts rapidly and takes no prisoners.

A beserker might be heard saying something like "Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out."

I went berserker on his ass and I think he got the point.

We set loose the berserkers to clear the field before we sent out the couriers.

See berserk, furious, fury, savagery, ronin, psycho, cyco, viking


Berserkers are possessed by Hyrui, spirit of rage and madness. Whenever a berserker gets angry or upset her becomes a mindless killer, with no self control and no fear of death.

It is said; When a berserker passes only corpses remain.


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