
What is B.e.t?


B.E.T is a ministrel show. Thats all you need to know. It undermines the black community and continues to make us look like a bunch of idiots. BET also teaches more like brainwash blacks into thinking being a thug and a video whore is the way to be in life. In all honesty, BET should be changed into NET(Niggas Entertainment Television). Because B.E.T has nothing but niggas for the most part.

And to white people who cry racism, please do your research before you open your mouth. First of all the company(viacom) that oversees B.E.T is mostly white. Second if you think B.E.T represents black people, then you are a racist yourself, and have bought into the stereotype they have fed you. Not to mention you all have your own white television channel its called MTV and 90% of the other channels that are on your network. Do not be so ignorant sheesh.

Um B.E.T is a ministrel show, that is all you need to know.

See bet, blacks, garbage


B.E.T. stands for Black Entertainment Television

A network channel targeted towards African Americans with news, sports, music and movies... etc.

I watch B.E.T. everyday

See Nicole


African american channel with music videos comedy shows news focused on african americans, On Sunday Morning its a like a whole different channel.

kinda like mtv


worthless waste of a channel on the god that is tv. almost as bad as MTV but tries to be more urban. fucking retards. plus its run by crazzzy white people trying to make there rich asses more white. and yes im white.

B.E.T is watched by white people who live in south philly thinking they are cool by watching this crap!! they ain't cool they is retarded.

See Bearded Abe


A channel that has urban songs. SHO

I watch B.E.T


Almost as bad as MTV. Nearly every song played there is only rap music taken from the Top 40 list, which is basically crappy poetry spoken rhythm over shite techno beats.

BET Jazz is OK though.

See tritium


This channel plays technoand tries to market it as rap. Fucking stupid, indeed.

Every damn "song" on B.E.T. sounds exactly the same because talentis not considered important anymore.

See middle finger


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