
What is Bevan?



The term bevan can be used to describe alcoholic beverages, it is an abbreviated expression commonly used by private school boys in Perth, Australia. It is often best used with a good old Aussie accent and a VB in hand.

'Natalia is having people tonight, mass Bevan sesh mate'

'Yeah that Martin is a hell dardy'

'true true'

See beverages, drinks, perth, ladsy, alcohol


Winnie bluesmoking, vbor XXXXdrinking, loud mouthed, usually very thin, or sometimes quite fat. Found with the sheila, sheilas may go by such names as shazza, lozza, narelle,sherelle, typical bevan names include dazza, tezza, wozza,davo and micko. Bevan is a Queensland, Australia native, see also the boganfrom Melbourne, or the westiefrom Sydney- NSW.

Any of these may also and most likely act like a yobbo

Go down to woodridge, you'll see many bevans driving their commodores or torries ( torana)


Good Aussie cricket player.

"Bevan won the match for Australia last night."

See Diego


Aneurin Bevan (1897 - 1960)

Welsh politician, Bevan, became one of the most important ministers in the 1945-1951 Labour government.

Bevan became the foremost parliamentary critic of Neville Chamberlain and his government. Bevan argued that Winston Churchill should replace Chamberlain.

Bevan was responsible for establishing the National Health Service, set up on 5th July 1948, when the government took over responsibility for all medical services so that they were free for anybody who needed help.

"You are a Bevan" ideological ideas for the centre left of the Labour Party.

See leader, churchill, labour, government, politician


to do a bevan, is to do a mistake

you just bevaned on that test paper


ME,MYSELF,I Bevan C Roberts (the C is for Cecil)

No,Bevan is not a sheep shagger!


An Aussiebogan, yobboand larrikin. Drinks VB, XXXX, smokes ciggies, and eats Four 'n' Twenty pies at all hours.

Common attire includes flannelette shirt, blue singlet, thongs, an earring and a mullet. Swears frequently and is a wifebeat.

Generally resides in derelict ruraltowns or with mates in a caravn in Mulwala.

Favourite sayings are; "Skerrn", " Shirk" and " Struth". Can be found with mates Robbo, Dazza and Gazza or his Sheila.

Common ocupations are sheep shearer, fisherman, brick layer, country footy coach or anything that doesn't require an IQ higher than 10.

An avid supporter of cricket and the Collingwood Football Club, but not brushing his three front teeth.

In general, a total bogan.

The kid from Mulwala with Vegemiteon his face for 3 days straight was a complete Bevan.

See aussie, bevan, bogan, yobbo, mullet, collingwood, vb, xxxx, robbo, dazza, gazza, footy


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