
What is Bibby?


Bibby is THE word for cool. It's sweeping the nation like the atkins diet.

That song was so bibby.

See bibby


A nickname given to a person (usually male) with anger issues, and peculiar behavioural traits.

Often, this person can either be a manic depressive or a borderline schizophrenic because of the symptoms which they portray.

Although they are still able to get amazing girlfriends, they will often cause marital disputes by acting the goat and getting violent.

'Look at that boy over there, what's he doing?'

'I don't know.. it must be a bibby!'

See bibby, violent, lovely, girlfriend, schizophrenia


Most commonly used to define a fat twat, usually over 21 stone. With jeans that dont fit and reveal the canyon of his arse, you may find many rock climbers within this canyon... they can fit.

These people usually think they are musically talented... when in reality, they sound like a punk chipmunk... with a guitar.

How bloody Bibby is that?!?!

See fat, bibby, waddle, wobble, twat


Bibby is a Northern word from the lancashire region.

It basically is a place or object that you dnt know or own. It isn't there infront of you but you know its around...kinda like a presence yeah

Its a word with little meaning and is used to get out of situations

You use this word to lose people like

'i'll be back in a bibby'

'am just goin for a quicky bibby'

You can use the word to describe sumthing like which u cnt normally describe like

sumthing bad - 'thats kinda bibby'

sumthing good - 'thats kinda bibby'

You can use it as a place or landmark like

'we'll meet at the bibby yeah'

'shall we say the bibby'

Basically the word fills in the gaps

See bibi, bobby, boby


A childish term for a hideous cherub or picture of a sickly-sweet baby or seraph. The sort that puts you off your meal.

"Yuch! I don't want to eat my sanwdwich in the Cistine Chapel, it's too full of Bibbies".


A person who loves to eat everyone's food but theres 24/7.

That bibby is so annoying.

See eat, food, person, loves, everyone, valerio


an idiot baby or a retarded noob cake

gish: what the expletive is eating that apple sawce

dog: its a bibby

See baby, idiot, noob cake, basketball player, pig


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