Bible Ii

What is Bible Ii?


a book that is handeled by the name "bible II" but its official name is "Koran" to avoid copyright problems. like most sequels, the koran is not as good as the bible. it isn't even a real sequel, its more like a spin-offand many of the most popular characters arent in it...for example Jesus. others are renamed: god goes now by the name "Allah" and has strong middle eastern accent...kinda cheesy. its simply not the best book and only hardcore fans of the bible should buy this "holy book reloaded".

the producers of the Koran a.k.a "Bible II -the revenge" wanted to fit into todays gangster rap culture so they made ist extrem anti-feministic...but they fucked it all up by wraping the bitches into burqas.

See bible, koran, god, jesus, burqa, jihad


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