
What is Biblethumper?


a) Self-righteous, irksome, delusional person who is infused with religous vanity and is prone to annoy others with their judgmental attitude.

b) person who is convinced he/she is going to heaven, despite the fact that he/she sucks to no end.

c) poor selection for a lover or roommate.

If I hear any more sermons from that friggin' biblethumper, I'm going to kick his self-righteous, unemployed ass right out of my apartment.


an idiotic fucker who condemns all atheists and other non-christians to hell, despite the fact they don't believe in one. how thick can you get?

oh no! you don't believe in god! i need to save you, being the moronic biblethumper that i am!


An internet legend.

sys0p is a BibleThumper.

See John Doe


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