
What is Bicycle?


A vehicle that provides a scenic and effective form of exercise. A vehicle that does not use fossil fuel and takes up less space than a motor vehicle. A sustainable form of transportation.

Many overweight and out-of-shape people in the US could use a bicycle instead of defending their right to own a large fuel-chugging vehicle and blaming spikes in fuel prices on the Arabs. Obesity in Europe and Asia is much lower than in the US in part because many people travel by bicycle instead of by car.


Another word for "slut", meaning everyone had ridden her.

"I want to get laid, who's easy?" "Talk to Jill, she's the office bicyle".

See JT


1.My Sport, the sport that beat a bus up and down 19th Ave in San Francisco, 3 TIMES!

2. A sport that has 2 wheels, 2 triangles in it,and 2 pedals. Top speed of a bike is Unknown. However i managed to hit 48.7 MPH in my life HAHA!

3. Ride that thing!

1. Yo who wants to go biking now?



Peddle-powered mode of transport with two wheels, handlebars and an annoying tendancy to harm one's testicles when going over bumps.

i want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike.

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I OOOOOWWW nuts...


When a male mounts a female in a position of rear entry and then sits on the female's back and picks up his legs and moves them circularly in a pedaling motion whilst proceeding to grasp the ears of the female in a handlebar hold, during which an mp3 of Queen's "Bicycle" is providing a soundtrack for the real life escapade.

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike....Bicycle! Bicycle! Bicycle!!!

See superman, spiderman, donkey punch, rodeo, doggy style, anal


Machinewith two wheels, two pedals and a lightbuilt for a Christmas tree, used for turning calories into scar tissue.

Here's a bicycle with three gears: pedals-clanking, chain-free, chain-snarled-up.

See bicycle, road, subhuman, sweat, delicate, racehorse, similar


a high difficulty level masturbation technique. Just put the penis between your legs and start pedaling like a bicycle...the fatigue's worth it.

jimmy: bye mom I'm gonna ride the bike for a while.

mom: ok son, don't get late


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